Foobar2000 winamp skin

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Winamp 5 is the single best piece of software ever coded. Never seen this thing bluescreen, my max uptime is in the region of 60 days. I started using it because windows media player is an absolute abomination for trying to play a large library of music and winamp can't be passed off as looking like a spreadsheet. On my work computer here I'm running 0.9.5 without any plugins or resampling and with a crapton of other apps open, including a virtual machine 24/7, I rarely hear skipping or see the CPU usage go above 5% on an aging XP 1.67GHz with 1GB of RAM. Even with some additional noise shaping and resampling it rarely goes over 3% utilization on my X2 4800+. That thing runs beautifully clean, never had a problem with it other than attempting to close it at the same time windows was trying to shut down (NEVER DO THAT!! I lost half my playlists and my columns ui config upon signing back in). I use ye olde special edition 0.8.3 at home because I have yet to find a good replacement for the columns ui plugin for that version and I've got it configured exactly to my liking.

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What version of foobar are you running with what plugins and on what spec machine?

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